
As soon as the mods stabilize more for a common Minecraft version I will start up a server on a different port. The one I had running kept crashing way too much.


1) No Griefing
2) Fill your holes, and I don’t mean by just a layer or two.
3) Respect other people’s areas and don’t mine their area unless asked. Bank all mined items in their chests except agreed upon items.
4) My IC2 Factory can supply some items if requested.
5) Do I have to keep listing stuff? Just be mature.

Server Operation

Server will cycle off and on about every 12 hours (6am and 6pm). It will take up to 5 minutes to complete the cycle. Be patient and take a stretch break. If the server crashes and breaks it might take up to a couple days before I notice and reset the server. Some things just cannot be done via an automatic script. Just hope when it breaks it shuts down completely so the script can start it back up.

Minecraft Vanilla Server version 1.8.1

Server is currently running on the standard Minecraft port. If you don’t already know, just create a new profile in the Minecraft launcher, select the correct version, save and play.

A Minecraft Industrial Craft Server by SirWebaddict. Reworking from 1.7.2 to 1.7.10. Will be online soon.

To Be Able To Play
Requirements change often as mods are updated for stability purposes. I will start an Industrial Craft server as a secondary server soon.
Start by downloading Forge following the directions on installing. Current version for me is
After installed, start Minecraft using the newly created Forge profile then quit Minecraft. Open the new mods folder that was created. (HINT: C:\Users\YourUserNameHere\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods ) Now download the list of mods I put together for my server. You can get them pre-zipped from me or individually from the mod maker’s websites. Click here for mod.zip. Extract this zip file and place in your Minecraft mods folder then run Minecraft again and you will be able to connect.

For detailed information, list of mods used, and the links to the mod’s websites click here.

Update: 05/02/2015